Human Resources

Staff Relations, Philosophy and Fringe Benefits

VIRAPOL's Human Resources Policy is based on treating employees and job applicants equally, disregarding their race, color, belief, ethnic and national origin, gender, marital age or disability. Our Company furnishes equal opportunities for all employees thereof in order to ensure that they are promoted on based on their capabilities and potential. Our company has considered its employees as an integral part thereof since its inception until present. Our employees’ sorrows, joys and achievements are considered as our sorrows, joys and achievements. The greatest achievements are accomplished by people who love each other and who act in solidarity.

VIRAPOL's Human Resources Policy is based on creation of an encouraging and rewarding environment at all levels of the organization. Target-oriented management and staff assessment are regularly utilized in order to determine the requirements of staff improvement, motivation, communication, development and training, and to ensure that each employee is rewarded according to his/her own performance.


Salaries and Collective Bargaining Agreements

VIRAPOL is not the party of any Collective Bargaining Agreement. General wage increase will be applied once in 2018, by taking into consideration the CPI - PPI rates, sectoral practices as well as Company strategies and policies. Moreover, employees are rewarded based on their individual performance in the previous year and within the framework of the Company's performance-based wage philosophy.

Please use e-mail address for job applications to be sent to VIRAPOL.

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